Discount Dental Plans Opus
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The pain is all but unbearable at this point
But genital wars save the day.
Not sponges, or head cheese or toe lint -
I want just to relax and play!
And you are going to have to see the dentist,
And the fat ugly moose lay in the sand.
Thus was the armed knight enticed from the list
I will always... dental plans with the shake of hands,
But, they did it again, didn’t they? Your employer
Got aspirations like fish on the bank.
It was found one morning, dead, in the foyer
But low, the fish out of water stank.
Has once more resorted to changing carriers
And I can't seem to find...
And shoot I care, bare, I got broad soldiers
Gently licking the salt from a pork rind.
In your dental insurance and now you are stuck
And though I don't remember when I could not mask the pain,
I pluck snake's eyeballs and have a suck.
Excuse me while I shoot myself in the brain.
With less coverage, higher deductibles, and reduced benefits
Who's that chick with the snake? Wotthehell?
Broke into a mega million bits -
You treat your garden very well!
Unfortunately, you have already exceeded
And the moon looks down, it's looking at a dime.
Its mind was all beheaded
And reduced to a puddle of slime.
The maximum allotment for your dental hygiene,
So let's just converse and have our cornflakes!
Behavior we'll have to leave this scene,
My teeth are so sore, yet I feel like a snake.
This year and you don’t even want to know
I sped off in my dental amid toxic spray.
They crunch between my toes like arrows
But the day-white smell always rips my dreams away.
How much it is going to cost you out-of-pocket
For little spots, that itch and burn.
Tell us where we can buy our cheap sockets,
Reality is just a cinema pop-corn.
To get that tooth taken care of properly,
He may not have hair, but he's still got air
Things don't appear hopefully
His face was all sticky with candy at the county fair
Do you? Maybe you don’t have dental insurance?
It's time to find me a new chick,
And all got up and left at once -
He sadly said "Yes, because i'm a hick".
Which is all the more reason for to read
Thrown into the sky like all so many figs.
Kick me in the head
Cause after the beating they all have to wear wigs.
On because one way or another,
Pulling my trousers down gently in the mist.
But i gotta talk to my Father
So just live who you are search for your Christ.
Those teeth need taken care of now!!
Swept by wave of emotion, tortured and taken...
Daybreak brings a molten white hot snow
That which made my blood shaking.
Maybe you are thinking that a dental plan
Is smoke-shrouded chain saw kicked out of the tree.
Yes, but only backwards with the olives in my flan,
Oh dental doctor, you'd better see
Is the last thing you need with all the other things
Push down on me hard darling
Irascable vampires climb upon the wings
Well nows the time we all gotta garlic
Flying at you every day in this fast-paced world.
But thou art mortal, and strongest billow
You are the best person was her told
She grips lovingly onto the brick that is her pillow.
But nothing could be farther from the truth!
Hung inbetween earth and heaven
I wish for the toys of my youth,
Read book by demon named Seven
People clip coupons just to save a few pennies
And, now nekked, they shiver, oh how they shiver
Well I don't know, but I'll be stumping for bounties
I feel 'tis wrong to simply pull a lever
On a jar of peanut butter but a dental plan could save them
I would kiss him but he's too much of a toad
We must discern them, good I am.
Life is so damn open road
Hundreds of dollars over the course of a year!
Make your niche, you squalid witch
And the wastrel radish has no ear
She had contracted ringtone, it made her itch
But how does a dental plan work? Isn’t it
But few women deserve a slappin
If I ever caught a bird, oh holly shit!
Allen is such a stud wrappin
The same thing as dental insurance
To what my friend the calendar says.
It still looked like it gave assurance
To Words through which love can make play
A dental plan is membership based but unlike
Everything seems just cool as can be
But, what a heck, take a hike...
Climbing a purple hairy bee
Dental insurance which usually requires a monthly deduction
I fled to my own bedroom palace
This is easy; it's not nuclear construction
They laughed him in the face
From your paycheck, there is only a one-time fee
As written rains and spoken snows
I'm so clapped up, I cannot see
I better go get pizza now
For year round savings. Any dental plan has a list
With silent rudy sounds
The mist cleared uncovering the sleeping psychiatrist
With my hidden founds
Of participating dentists that you can go to for services
The mice run quickly out of her house (((
And they're horrible and taste like faeces
In the grand design only man can confuse (((
But unlike dental insurance where you are often limited
Make your choice, you spanked witch
The best poem is not that which can skillfully imitate
So walk to her and scratch the itch
To dentists in your zip code, you can see any participating
But hear what we'll sooner find
So far, we have had slim lubricating
I have fallen into the yesterdays of mind.
Dentist and receive the discounts—anywhere!
Hair loss disasters don't wanna look
And wondered aloud, "what might live in there?"
President psyches all of us out returning all his books,
And while most dental insurance covers
Laying your eyes upon your clit
Brown girl has a couple of brown lovers
Understand the world, or garp it.
Nearly all preventative procedures, they limit disbursements
For swearing souls, curse them and eat them purely
Agravation is neccesary for fulfillment
I'll spit up the chard, surely
On many of the treatments that most of us in the “real world”
While the light of a dim bug beckons
And always butlers travel hurled
Do you long for fields of geckos?
Really need like fillings, extractions, root canals, dentures,
It never ends, in fact.
The pleasant path to happiness, that's for ventures
I've grown too old to act
And even crowns! Why should cutbacks in your employer’s plan
Or a purple spiderfish
And yes I do revel in the charade of this gun
Beautiful music emerged - no blemish
Mean cutbacks in the amount of care your teeth really need?
Floating in the quiet ecstasy of cobalt waves
Man is forced to eat greed.
Because that's all we really have
After paying the annual fee and depending on the plan
"FISH!" cried the bear, "Fish Rhymes with orange!"
While thinking whistfully I had other clans
Give me something that rhymes with orange :-)
You choose, a dental plan can save you anywhere
But oh, how this strength in me truly lies
Creatures from heaven are there
So I guess I'll have some pie.
From few procentes on the procedures you need now!
Oh the wonders of overlapping text
Alas, soon the gardener will decide to mow
And said "Who's next?"
Whether you have dental insurance that has been
You are my arm, said me, chanting surely
But that is better than green.
I'll spit up the chard prematurely
Cutback to the point of almost being useless or even
Finding relief in fondoo-a cheese melter
Ever bought beer from hell and from heaven
Some booties and a poncho would help him feel better
If you are paying for everything out-of-pocket,
I like to spank my little gnome named WILL
Tell us where we can buy our cheap rockets,
And of green pointy thingies i've had my fill
A dental plan is the only way to go to receive top-notch care
Or realistic, but mystic & holistic
Virute pals stone you to death in the town square
Kill all people who cant drink mystic
But at reduced costs! It is NOT a question of whether
She acts as she doesn't know him at all!
I asked mime to smash and shoot together
Your boobs are totally too small
A dental plan is right for you but only question
I then pull out the bottle's cork
Or as the trembling foot on the skull session
I don't make a mess, don't wanna look like a dork
Of which plan is best for you and your needs?
Next heavenly alone port!
As I wonder how to fulfill my grids -
One who hasn't built around them a stone fort.
Getting Serious About Discount Dental Plans
The pain is all but unbearable at this point and you are going to have to see the dentist. But, they did it again, didn’t they? Your employer has once more resorted to changing carriers in your dental insurance and now you are stuck with less coverage, higher deductibles, and reduced benefits. Unfortunately, you have already exceeded the maximum allotment for your dental hygiene this year and you don’t even want to know how much it is going to cost you out-of-pocket to get that tooth taken care of properly, do you? Maybe you don’t have dental insurance which is all the more reason for to read on because one way or another, those teeth need taken care of now!!
Maybe you are thinking that a dental plan is the last thing you need with all the other things flying at you every day in this fast-paced world. But nothing could be farther from the truth! People clip coupons just to save a few pennies on a jar of peanut butter but a dental plan could save them hundreds of dollars over the course of a year! But how does a dental plan work? Isn’t it the same thing as dental insurance?
A dental plan is membership based but unlike dental insurance which usually requires a monthly deduction from your paycheck, there is only a one-time fee for year round savings. Any dental plan has a list of participating dentists that you can go to for services but unlike dental insurance where you are often limited to dentists in your zip code, you can see any participating dentist and receive the discounts—anywhere! And while most dental insurance covers nearly all preventative procedures, they limit disbursements on many of the treatments that most of us in the “real world” really need like fillings, extractions, root canals, dentures, and even crowns! Why should cutbacks in your employer’s plan mean cutbacks in the amount of care your teeth really need? After paying the annual fee and depending on the plan you choose, a dental plan can save you anywhere from 10-60% on the procedures you need now! Whether you have dental insurance that has been cutback to the point of almost being useless or even if you are paying for everything out-of-pocket, a dental plan is the only way to go to receive top-notch care but at reduced costs! It is NOT a question of whether a dental plan is right for you but only a question of which plan is best for you and your needs!
Labels: _totally_cyberarted, Dental+Plans, Health, Health Poetry
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